Introducing the DE-CIX

Vapor IO’s Kinetic Grid® Now Interconnected with DE-CIX in Chicago and Dallas


About DE-CIX North America

DE-CIX, the operator of the world’s largest carrier and data center neutral Internet Exchange (IX),operates IX’s in Chicago, Dallas, New York, Richmond, and Phoenix. Direct local connectivity from multiple data centers is available in each market, with the ability to reach every other IX through DE-CIX’s privately interconnected ecosystem of IXs throughout North America, Europe, the Middle East, Southeast Asia and beyond.
A connection to DE-CIX provides networks a variety of ways to improve performance, reduce costs and reach the greatest number of networks through a port on their multi-service platform. More than just peering, DE-CIX offers direct access to cloud providers, closed user group connectivity for enterprise network interconnections, private peering access to Microsoft Azure Peering services (MAPS), and more.

Benefits of Connecting to DE-CIX through the Kinetic Grid®

Access to DE-CIX is available through the Kinetic Grid, leveraging local interconnections in the Chicago and Dallas markets:
Though a connection to DE-CIX via the Kinetic Grid, companies can fortify their network interconnection, gain access to enhanced cloud connectivity solutions, improve network performance and benefit from ta diverse and reliable solution. Now connectivity to DE-CIX is seamlessly available at a Vapor IO data centers in Chicago, Dallas, and the Kinetic Grid.

As Seen In

The State of the Edge

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